Bees for Sale
Our bee sales are available seasonally.
Bill's Bees sells Italian Honey Bees with known gentle genetics that are easy to work with and build up abundantly for pollination and honey production. We sell VSH-Italian Queen Bees from our favorite breeders in isolated areas where there are no Africanized Honey Bees. Whether you are a new beekeeper or already experienced, these bees are perfect for you. Our bees are ideal for Backyard Beekeeping in Los Angeles and commercial beekeeping.
Complete Hive (Deep Box): A complete hive is an established nucleus colony and includes a proven laying VSH-Italian mated and marked queen, 1 painted deep hive body box, a bottom board and lid, plus 5 additional undrawn new frames to fill out the box. They are Italian honey bees with known gentle genetics. Estimated pick-up date early to mid-May.

Hive Stand: Heavy Duty steel hive stand with 4 legs that can be placed in cans filled with motor oil, to isolate the hive, if ants are a problem. This stand is also tall enough that skunks can not reach the hive if they are a problem. Can support at least 200 lbs. It is best to locate your hive in direct sunlight on a dry, solid surface. Available for PICK UP ONLY!
RESTOCKING CHARGE: On orders that are cancelled there is a $50 restocking fee per item for package bees, nucleus colonies, and complete hives. There is a $30 restocking fee per item for Queen bees. To cancel call or text us with your first and last name and order number (818)312-1691
REFUND POLICY: ALL orders that have not been picked up, cancelled, or otherwise communicated intent within 24hrs of the pick up date will be considered a "no show" meaning the order is automatically cancelled and is no longer eligible for pickup or any refund, full payment is forfeited.
Thank you for purchasing your bees from our small family business!